Slate Affair Inc. specializes in wild and artistic slate roof coverings.These artistic slate roof designs are very time consuming installations, but the finished product gives great satisfaction. Some call these slate roof installations the king of all roofs, as they highlight a very natural flow. This type of slate helps in softening the over-all design of your building with an organic feeling and appearance. These wild slate roof installations not only require a skilled slate roofer, but a skilled carpenter for the installation of the framing. We here at Slate Affair Inc have personnel to provide both. All slates in these designs are cut at least one time, which is what gives this roof its one of a kind wild look.
Decorative, Wild, Mottled, Artistic, All colors
Slate roof and slate wall pattern lay-out/designs are available with a large range of colors in black, red, greens and purple. Most of the slate we use is from Vermont, New York, and Quebec quarries. We spend hours in the quarries, hand -selecting slate for some of our more artistic design work.
Why slate? Slate is the best roofing material out there for a variety of reasons:
1. Slate remains one of the most durable roofing materials in the world. We build our slate roofs to last longer than any other part of the house and we take pride in the guarantees that we make to each of our customers.
2. Slate is a safe roofing material and will not burn, this is especially important in comparison to asphalt, which is petroleum based and burns readily.
3. Slate adds equity to your property in terms of tangibles like durability and safety but also aesthetics and class.
4. Slate is highly attractive and comes in a variety of colors and styles. Our designs are creative and make your slate perform at its best!
View "TO TAR OR NOT TO TAR — THAT IS THE QUESTION" published in Traditional Roofing, written by Liam Tower.
View "The Art of Slate Siding" published in Tradtional Roofing, written by Liam Tower.
Contact us below for more information or a custom quote for your wild slate roof covering job!